Online, Private, & Tailored Learning Experience

Quality of In-Person Classes
At SORA, we believe that the best language learning experience is achieved in an in-person environment where the student is able to not only capture the textbook information abut also the sound, tone, essence and nuance of the spoken language, which is often excluded by other popular curriculums. Combined with the use of technology, we conveniently bring this quality experience to an online platform which allows us to share our love and understanding of the Japanese language to anyone who is interested.

Tailored Experience for Every Student
Our highly experienced instructors are equipped to identify your specific strengths, areas to improve, and the most efficient path to reach your goals. Learn the language used in your favorite anime/manga? Improve communication with your international colleagues? Challenge your skills with the JLPT? Or, simply going on a vacation to Japan?
Tell us your story. What inspires you to learn? Whatever it is that brought you here, we will make sure to build your learning plan around it. Let us help you achieve your goals!

Flexible Learning Plans
Looking to start with bite-sized improvements? Or are you ready to jump right in to the full experience? Regardless of your level of commitment, we offer 2 types of class length that will fit your schedule.
Full Lesson 50 mins
Half Lesson 25 mins
Although there is not a rule to how many lessons you should take per week, we generally recommend that students enroll in a weekly full lesson, or two half lessons per week to ensure that your learning goals are achieved. Of course, if you are eager to put more time into your learning, you are more than welcome to sign up for more classes.

If you have any questions, concerns, or general inquiries about our Japanese lessons, please don't hesitate to reach out via the contact form. We look forward to chatting with you!